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Bulletin August 4th 2024

Updated: Aug 17, 2024

A warm welcome to Worship, especially visitors and new folk among us. May God’s grace and peace be with you.

Weekly Worship

96 Crystal Street Petersham

10.00 am & 6.30pm

‘Safe, Inclusive, All are welcome!’

Scriptures for August 4th

2 Samuel 11:26-12,13a ⬧ Ps 51:1-12 ⬧ Eph 4:1-16 ⬧ John 6: 24-35

Scriptures for August 11th

2 Sam 18:5-9,15,31-33 ⬧ Ps 130 ⬧ Eph 4:25–5:2 ⬧ John 6:35, 41-51

Sunday August 4th

10.00am Message: Dr Mark Isaac Dalgleish

6.30pm Message: Dr Mark Isaac Dalgleish

Sunday August 11th

10.00am Message: Rev Geoff Ivers

6.30pm Message: Rev Greg Smith

Prayer is a foundation of a faith community. If you would like prayer shared for yourself or someone you know, please make a note in the prayer request book in the foyer. This is an open book so that during the Prayers of the People in Sunday Services the requests made will be included and prayed for.

Our Facebook Page - Members and Friends of MCC Sydney is a private group where you can participate in our community online. If you can’t make it to Sunday Services in person please join the live stream each Sunday through the Facebook page.

Being a private group you will be asked to apply and answer a few easy questions.

Come and join us. Link

To give electronically anonymously for the work and worship of our community:

Account Name: Metropolitan Community Church Sydney

BSB: 082-048

Account No: 509 412 200


Or donate via Paypal

Activities coming up

Thursday August 8th at 10.30am Morning Devotions @Church/ Facebook Stream at Members and Friends of MCC Sydney Page

Join in a time of praise, prayer and reflection at the church or online on the Facebook Stream.

Sunday August 18th Double Pass Giveaway

Double Pass Giveaway Queerscreen Film Festival 28 August -1st September. The Giveaway will be on Sunday August 18th during the morning tea and supper times after worship. For film info and times go to -

Sunday August 18th Fellowship Lunch at Brighton St. Café

Come and join us at the Brighton Café just down the street from the church for food and fellowship. Approx 12 noon.

Address: Corner of Brighton and Palace Streets Petersham, just a short work from the church down Brighton St.

Friday August 30th at 7pm Pizza & Purple Night at The Church

You’re invited to wear something purple in support of LGBTQIA+ Youth and join our Pizza and Chat. An information presentation on the Wear It Purple program will be followed by our usual delicious Pizza dinner. WEAR IT PURPLE DAY EMPOWERS LGBTQIA+ YOUTH TO DREAM BIG AND SHARE “YOUR PASSION, YOUR PRIDE” WITH AUSTRALIA Wristbands available for $2 donation to Wear It Purple



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Visit our Facebook page to follow our posts. If you like our website & Facebook page please share them.

Help Support Us As We Continue Our Ministry Of Love And Acceptance

MCC Sydney acknowledges and respects the Wangal people of the Eora Nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which we are broadcasting our worship services during isolation. 
We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging and welcome any First Nations people worshiping with us.

We exist only through the generosity of our members and friends.

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